Upcoming Release of Wolfskin's Curse

Hello, Tama here.

First off: thank you for 6k browser plays and 535 downloads! I am glad so many of you like the content and the art. 

I'd like to announce the month-long project I've been developing with an extremely wonderful and talented team for the Spooktober Game Jam of 2021. On the cusp of this game jam's end, the game has:

  • Eight characters
  • 20 backgrounds
  • 20 original music tracks
  • 2 CGs 
  • 15k words
  • Full voice acting!
  • One ending (kinetic novel)

A short blurb of the story, for those of you who have played the Penitent:

In the times when werewolves were seen as harbingers of misfortune, they were executed for crimes they did not commit. 

To ensure survival, the former nun Ilona and her lycan companion Edwin seek avoidance from the public's watchful eye and are fugitives from the priory where they once spent their days. Their next stop en route is the walled town Belorov, where townsfolk are celebrating All Hallow's Eve. but peace is not meant to last.


The main menu & promotional art looks very gripping indeed! You can tell how much my style has grown over the course of working (non-stop) for this project when you compare to The Penitent, and the lack of restrictions in terms of how many assets can be created. It was certainly ambitious when put in practice!

I have collaborated with another writer, Akhmin to construct the story and handle the characters, and it really showcases a dramatic and thrilling take on this world. Wolfskin's Curse reads very much like a stageplay or a drama as opposed to a traditional VN, so I hope you enjoy this format!

Hope to see some of you play this game! It has definitely been a labour of love, and I had the support of many people to help get this project done. Here's a sneak preview of some character cards for the two protagonists!

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Awesome! I can't wait to read it!